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Chapter 700 My Cock Is Hungry For(Group Sex):>Ep4

  • I now felt like a mama wolf with five cubs who finds about 50 coyotes completely surrounding her den. This was not the question I had wanted or anticipated. "Ah-um-uh," I said, temporizing while sounding a bit less coherent than an orchestra warming up. My first instinct was to tell them that we were all such good friends, why make things weird? But I don't like to lie, and I especially did not want to lie to these two women. "Uh, why do you ask?" I asked meekly.
  • Lisa seemed taken aback in turn by my question, and hesitated. Lee rushed in to support her. "Don't answer questions with questions. It's rude," she snapped at me, some of the peevishness that had led to the "fuck offs" the day before back in her voice. "Don't sit there looking so innocent. Are you telling us that you never thought to ask one of us out?"
  • "Um, the thought had crossed my mind," I grudgingly admitted, hating myself for going that far. I felt like the tide was washing the sand out from underneath my feet.
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